perjantai 22. elokuuta 2014

Quick lowdown on my team

I could write paragraphs on them, but to be honest? I don't know all of them that well, in fact there are some I don't know their name. I live in a sort of dorm with them. There are too many that come and go for me to even bother keeping up.

Actors - His Timberwolf name is actually Lucky, and his real name is actually Drew. But we all call him Actors, because he takes on different persona like all the time.

Brisbane - is actually called Adam, but he's from Brisbane. He's friends with Ciar the Sly. Sometimes I wonder how his hearing is. He sings loudly in the shower and thinks we all can't hear. And when he brings his girlfriend round, Jesus Chrysler, it's like there's a game of Bogies going on in there.

Broody - His name is actually Brody. But we started calling him Broody, because he broods more than a sparkly fuckin vampire.

Ciar the Sly - His name is pretty self-explanatory. He's a crazy fast driver and an amber gambler. Fucker thinks he's some kind of boy racer in Fast and Furious.

Harry - My other best friend, Hazza. He hates my music though. He likes jazz. He's good with a knife. And a pretty good gymnast. He has an obsession with vampires and loves anything to do with vampires. Oh, except, and I quote "none of all that Anne Rice and Twilight shit. Real fucking vampires - Nosferatu, Alucard, Lord Harkon, Angelus, Carmilla, Dracula, that's the stuff."

Hikaru - Secondary muscle... and a hell of a rapper, actually. I asked him to rap for me in Japanese (his and Tsubasa's first language). He did so. Then I asked him the name of the song he was rapping, he just shrugged and said he'd made it up on the spot.

Mikołaj - Our best cook. And idea man. But he smokes too many e-cigarettes. I'm not comfortable with those things, even less so than normal fuckin cigarettes. Also, he is too good at chess.

Perun - My best friend, I guess. Perun is a fan of a band called Perun. And he has quite a pair of lungs on him. Hence, the name. Also, every week he gets a new piercing and every other week, a feisty runner or prox pulls it straight out from his flesh and he has to go to hospital. And he wears a lot of metal and chains on his clothes. If we ever tried to use a magnet to attract proxies, he'd fucking stick to it as well. He wears black clothes in the summer and then complains about the heat.

Nikoloz - Absolute recluse. Very quiet. Maybe because he doesn't speak that much English. And maybe that's why I get on with him so well. He doesn't seem to mind my music.

Tsubasa - Our main muscle. Even I'm scared of him (and I pack a punch like your mum packs your lunch.) Hikaru is his younger brother.

Sidney - Sid is the go-to guy for connections. Weapons, drugs, money, connections themselves, Sid can get you anything from anyone.

Vulture - His name is Victor, and he prefers that, but everyone else seems to prefer Vulture. He does kind of look like a vulture, with a puffed out chest and funny nose. And if you don't put your name on your food that's in the fridge, he'll swoop in and eat it.

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